Mr P Bell Resources March 2023 - 2027 Co-opted Governor |
Mr C A Mills Headteacher September 2013 Exoficio |
Mrs H Beckham Vice Chair October 2021 - 2025 Co-opted Governor |
Mrs I Catton Safeguarding November 2021 - 2025 Co-opted Governor |
Mrs E Featherstone Training Link January 2023 - 2027 Staff Governor |
Mrs Rebecca Turner-Loisel | April 2022 - 2026 | Co-opted Governor |
Ms Nicky Lyons | June 2023 - 2027 | Co-opted Governor |
Mrs Emma Pinder | June 2023 - 2027 | Parent Governor |
Full Governing Body Meetings | Resources Committee | Standards Committee | |
Mr Peter Bell | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Heather Beckham | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Mrs Irene Catton | 100% | ||
Mrs Emma Pinder | 90% | ||
Rebecca Turner -Loisel | 100% |
Our Clerk is Miss Yasmin Knight |
Being a governor is a very rewarding position to hold at Carlton. Our Governing body are committed to ensuring the children who attend Carlton J&I School receive the very best education they can.
Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually, co-opted governors are elected by the Governing body. Staff representatives, including non teaching reps are elected by in school colleagues. Parent Governors are elected by parents when positions arise.
Our school has the following committees: Resources, Standards, Discipline, Head teacher Performance Management, Behaviour and Complaints
The Governing body, hold their meetings on a six weekly basis, usually on a Tuesday. The meetings run for two hours. Finance, standards, safeguarding and behaviour are just some of the things which are discussed. During the Pandemic, all meetings are held virtually and have been on a more regular basis to ensure the mental health and well being of the SLT is supported.
Mr Peter Bell is the Chair of the Governing body, with Mrs Heather Beckham as his Vice Chair. Mr Bell can be contacted either via the headteachers email or by letter to the care of Carlton J&I School. You will find all contact information on the 'home' page.
Governors - Roles and Responsibilities
Safeguarding: Mrs Catton
Sports Development: Mr Bell
Pupil Premium: Mr Bell
Headteachers performance:- Mr Bell, Mrs Catton and Mrs Beckham
All governors have voting rights to all committees of which they are members, at each meeting absence of any governor not attending is ratified by attending members.
Register of Governors Interest
Governor Name |
Details of any interests which meet the criteria for declaration |
There are no interests which conflict with the duties |
Any relationships you have with members of the school staff including spouses, partners or relatives. |
Any other educational establishments where you are a governor |
Mr Craig Mills |
Employed by WMDC |
X |
X |
X |
Mrs Irene Catton |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mr Peter Bell |
Employed by a Academy chain |
X |
X |
X |
Mrs Elizabeth Featherstone |
Employed by WMDC |
X |
X |
X |
Mrs Emma Pinder |
Parent |
X |
Relation to a member of staff |
X |
Rebecca Turner-Loisel |
Employed by an Academy |
X |
X |
Heather Beckham |
X |
X | X | X |
Ms Nicky Lyons |
X |
X | X | X |
Please find the link to the school financial benchmarking exercise:- Schools Financial Benchmarking Service
If you would like to apply for a position on our Governing Body, or if you would like to know more about a Governor role in school, then then please email our Head Teacher - Mr C A Mills